Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hur gör man en bra och framgångsrik smartphone app?
För att en app ska bli framgångsrik krävs två viktiga faktorer – attention och retention. En attention-getter kan vara ett varumärke, en spännande ny teknisk innovation, en snygg ikon, snack/brus i sociala medier, en plats på någon topplista, uppmärksamhet i … Continue reading
Players rule in new quiz game for iPhone
Put your trivia knowledge to the test in the new Swedish iPhone game Quizkey. Besides answering questions, you can also create your own and hiss or diss existing. In Quizkey, the players shape the game.
Facebook Timeline template (updated!)

Want to customize your cover- and profile picture on Facebook? The new Facebook Timeline lets you add a cover picture shown above and behind your profile picture. People have already begun to explore different creative ways of combining the cover … Continue reading
Threads, handlers and AsyncTask: efficient asynchronous programming in Android

When creating Android applications you sometimes need to fetch data from servers, create game event loops or get information from web sites. Since Java’s IO operations are blocking, there is a risk of freezing the application if you try to … Continue reading