Category Archives: Technology
Web to print with Pimcore and Wkhtmltopdf
Pimcore is definitely a fantastic CMS and PIM platform, so wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was an easy way to render your pages or products into downloadable PDFs? Well, there is!
Pimcore vinner Constantinus Award
I fredags presenterades vinnarna av Constantinus Award, som är Österrikes mest prestigefyllda konsult- och IT-pris, och Pimcore vann i kategorin ”Bästa open source”. På Respondify har vi följt Pimcores utveckling noga och använt CMS-plattformen i över två år, så vi … Continue reading
Creating a backend server using ZendFramework (PHP)
The Dojo Object Store API is the emerging standard for supplying data to dojo widgets. Based on the W3C’s IndexedDB object store API, that we will start seeing native browser support for as HTML5 gets adopted, it provides a solid, … Continue reading
Using dijit.Tree with the new Dojo Object Store (
A colleague asked me today how a dijit.Tree can be used with the new architecture, which will supersede the legacy architecture. Every tutorial he found on the web used ItemFileReadStore, which implements the old standard. Later that day … Continue reading
Installing Persevere
Persevere is not a single monolithic web server like Apache. Rather, it’s a set of server apps – or JSGI middleware – working together. While this is very powerful in terms of flexibility and extensibility, it complicates the installation process. … Continue reading